French Bilingualism

Author: Alpha's Bilingual Childcare |

Daycare Oshawa

Bonjour les amis... and Welcome to French Bilingualism!

Through music and movement, our toddlers are gently introduced to French, and given the opportunity to fall in love with the language. Here at Alpha's Bilingual Childcare, we know how important this step is in setting the stage for lifelong learning. 

Learning French (or a second language) from a young age does not just give your child a competitive advantage for the future, it also helps to shape open-minded, diverse, inclusive and welcoming communities. 

As the children's language skills develop and strengthen, we gradually incorporate more French into their daily routines, until it becomes an integral part of the whole day. Our FRENCH TEACHING MATERIALS are unique as they combine elements that truly represent "la francophonie": Canada, France, USA, Switzerland, Belgium and Cameroon to cite a few. 

We support language diversity beyond French and English, and encourage our families to do the same in order to create a true sense of Belonging among all children.